As a mom of 3, I know just how fast time can fly when your kiddos are little. One minute they’re teeny tiny newborns snuggled in your arms and the next you have to babyproof the house because they’re toddling all over, opening every door and cabinet they can get to. It just goes by so fast!
That’s probably why babies aged 6-11 months are some of my favorite to photograph. It’s a time in their lives that doesn’t often get photographed, even though so much happens when they’re in this fun, explorative stage! They’re starting to develop their little personalities, and are fascinated by anything and everything. They’ve got their smiles down pat, and you’ve learned exactly how to get them to smile. They’re starting to be a little more independent, but still love a good snuggle and their lovie.
Since we started talking about accents, gloves have definitely returned in 2022. Now they will become even more interesting. Colored, long or short, transparent or dense – it depends on the image chosen by the bride. Brides have fallen in love with white trouser suits so much that we are happy to take this trend into 2022! You can choose such an image for painting or a photo shoot weddings trends 2022, if you still don’t want to completely refuse the dress. A free cut, oversized or a combination of a dress with a jacket looks actual.
Over the last few months we’ve started to incorporate these little sweeties’ lovies into their session. I know my kids had their favorites that they took everywhere with them. As they’ve gotten older it’s been such a sweet photo and memory to have: my babies with the lovie they couldn’t live without. Our parents that have included their babe’s favorite lovie have felt the exact same way!
I don’t know about you, but these little smiles just absolutely brighten my day!
We’ve had so, so many sweet and fun moments from this series of portraits over the last few months and it was so hard to decide what to share! Here are just a few of our favorites.
We are still taking a few more Babies from 6-11 month sessions; click here to apply.
Portrait Club by Kelli Wilke is a fine art portrait photography studio based in Wilmington, Delaware and Jackson, Wyoming.
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DELAWARE: The Independence Mall,1601 Concord Pike Suite 29. Wilmington, DE 19803
ATLANTA: The Orlando Building, 1685 Terrell Mill Rd, Marietta, GA 30067
BALTIMORE: Highland Forge Cork & Seal Building, 101 N. Haven St., Ste 301, Baltimore, MD 21224
BOSTON (NORWOOD): Norwood Space Center, 83 Morse St. Bldg 6,
Unit 8Y, Norwood MA 02062
NYC: 545 8th Ave, Suite 650, NY, NY 10018